9pm - Spider sits on the bedroom ceiling. The light flutters a little like it's reflecting off water. "Water FX". But there is no water in my bedroom.
9pm - Driving passenger in jacks car. We leave my place drive down York and head south. I look down at my phone to find a place to route to and then look up again and we're back on York going the same direction but behind where we just were. I totally forget about the dream assignment, then remember it around midnight so I explain the whole thing to jack and ask what we were doing at 9pm. He suggest I write about how we looped back around on York when I wasn't looking and I was confused. That's kind of dreamlike, right?
9pm -Spent all day working on a collage. Felt like I was getting somewhere. Making progress. Look at all that glue on my fingers. Look at what I've accomplished. It's hardly anything at all. Where did all my good work go? Why so much glue for so little? In dreams, time always feels like its moving the wrong way up the escalator.
9pm. On the ground right by my car I find the miniature replica of Kevin's drift wood penis figurine. I sand the balls down a little bit on the bumper block. I've chanced upon too many wooden penises in one night for real life....am I dreaming or is this just what "lucky" looks like in Malibu?
9pm. - Old people fox trotting while the Frank Gary band play some tunes. The waiter brings me a giant plate of peas in pea pods. All the women around me have equally elaborate 60s up-dos with neon subsections. A woman takes a pink cake selfie - probably because the frosting makes her feel decadent. The cherubs swarming around us remind us that heaven is a place on earth.
9pm - I take a nap and I am actually dreaming.
9pm - driving on the freeway. Nothing dreamlike. Just stupid fucking la traffic.
9pm - standing on a weird street corner downtown(?) at the new experimental half hour space. Across from the 24hr doctor/dentist/Botox/tattoo/all-stop-body-shop. Talking to Sarah with the pink smudgy eyes (at nighttime she goes by Serene). I hear someone yell my name in the distance. I look back thinking Yasmina decided to show up, but then it gets much louder and "aaammmmiiiiaaaaa" turns into the scream of the train that passes behind us on the tracks. I turn back to Sarah, "sorry I thought the train was calling my name". I don't know if she believed me.
Image: Final scene from Denis Villeneuve's Enemy (2013)